
Do you have blog recommendations? And thank you for the listening feedback! I'll keep doing that.

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Loved blogging. Loved reading blogs. They were life. I truly grieve the loss.... of the personal, non-commercial blogs. Go with me here: blogs were best before they became monetised. When posts were authentic, not tailored to SEO. Just my experience (I understand why bloggers monetised their spaces - kudos to them) however I personally stood by the ad-free blogs (mine was never monetised) because community and self expression were the draw cards for me. Same with Instagram... it was an incredible space before it was invaded by commerce. Blogs have also suffered because, by their nature, they are independent spaces (unlike platforms that gather a billion accounts in the one space). Substack is ace - I support and subscribe some writers asks feel fab about this being a space where that's possible. However: I genuinely miss the commercial-free spaces... is that even a thing anyone? 😳

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I totally agree. SEO and monetization and social media killed them. I reckon we're on the precipice of a come back though!

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TikTok is simply TOO LOUD!

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100% agree. I feel like I'm being assaulted every time I open it. I also don't get it. There will be a 5 second video of a young girl badly lip-syncing a song, this video has no point, there's no talent in it, I've learned nothing by watching it and it has 800k likes. Make it make sense.

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I tried TikTok for 5 minutes when it first started and my daughter was using it. I felt like my brain was being assaulted!! Deleted it immediately!

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I still love blogs and read them through Newsblur (an RSS reader). I'm always grateful that there's still people out there writing and publishing on their own sites given that I imagine it's rather thankless in terms of traffic and people discovering and commenting. I love that https://frocksandfroufrou.com/ is still blogging, her style and sewing content is awesome. The fantastic Rhonda Hetzel is still blogging at https://down---to---earth.blogspot.com/, this is a lovely sustainable living blog from WA - https://earthmotherwithin.blogspot.com/ - and Pickle Me This (https://picklemethis.com/) does actual blog round-up posts which I love (Pickle Me This is very writing/books focused). "(un)becoming … with wonder & possibility" is a beautiful personal blog I discovered through those link round-ups (https://nicolefrederickson.wordpress.com/).

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Oh, and I was going to add https://thebackfenceblog.wordpress.com/ as another great Aussie blog - but I see Reannon has actually commented below about how thankless it is! I'm one of those readers who is guilty of not engaging.

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This was so helpful thank you so much! I love old school blogs and these are perfect.

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Another vote for blogs and reading over video content! My husband will watch a 30 min video to research something I feel like I could read in 2-3 minutes. I used to love more of the lifestyle/glimpse into others' lives and homes blogs. I still have a few on Feedly but not many I read regularly (also impacted by time though with two little ones the same age as yours!). I still read Style by Emily Henderson (though less of a 'traditional' blog format these days) and Young House Love when they post. Following with interest to get any new recommendations.

PS - also would be interested in info on writing/copywriting etc :)

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Thank you for that feedback! I'm mulling it over! And my husband is the same! Loves videos.

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I’m thinking of someone who was a prolific blogger and now isn’t and whose circumstances mean it’s impossible for her to remain prolific. I get where she’s coming from. Blogs gave us amazing points of connection and community. I miss that too.

Someone I follow on instagram, who has a Patreon I subscribe to, uses video on Insta heaps. It’s great, obviously, immediate and simple, but I find myself wanting those videos to be blog posts. Something about reading makes things stick more? 🤷🏼

Maybe it’s just too much stuff?

Too many images and voices?

Maybe it’s a generational thing?

Something about reading still feels good to me. More personal?

Ha, I have no idea really! The world’s a big mess. We want to feel safe, connected, comforted.


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Yeah I also just simply prefer reading. It's quicker for me. I went looking for a semi-cured nail gel tutorial and I wanted dot point steps. I could only find 25 minute long waffling videos and I literally needed someone to write out the steps for me. It was infuriating.

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Yes! Reading!

I can't do Youtube or podcasts (my brain doesn't let me). But reading is ace.

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Same! I tune out. I can do podcasts but video I'm like OH MY GOSH GET TO THE POINT!

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PS. I loved listening to you read your newsletter too 💜

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Hello lovely one 🤗

I miss the Instagram of old - sometimes I have to check if I’ve actually gone into Insta or fb because they are becoming increasingly similar.

Crikey, I used to love sitting down on a Friday night and getting lost down the blog reading rabbit hole. Kelly Exeter - A life less frantic, Sonia Stackhouse - Life love and hiccups, Mrs Woog, Sammie at the annoyed thyroid, Denyse Whelan blogs, Em at Have a laugh on me, Smaggle, Hair Romance, Carly Finlay, Sonia Styling and so many more.

I’d be interested in following along and learning about writing for sure.

Enjoy time with your family honouring and celebrating your Nan’s life. I’m sorry to hear of your loss and I’m sending big hugs. Xx

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Love the recording!

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Thank you for that feedback I'll certainly record them all in the future.

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Being part of the Blogger community in the 2012-2015 era was one of my favorite pastimes. Substack seems to have got a sliver of that community back, so I'm looking forward to continuing to read and write on here!

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Wasn't it amazing? I'm loving the vibe on Substack - this is most comments and engagement I've had in ages. It's lovely. Like actually chatting with people with no agenda.

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Appreciated being able to listen - thankyou!

I’m still a fairly regular blogger on a couple of different sites, and still read many blogs.

Love em! 🌿

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Thank you! I'll make sure I record them all from now on. Do you have any blogs you recommend? I'm filling up my blog reader!

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Depends what floats your boat really before I go nuts with reccs, cos I have noooo fashion or dystopian blog-swnse at alllll lol

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I really appreciated the audio recording.

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Thank you so much for leaving that feedback that's really helpful. It doesn't take long so as long as people find it useful I'm happy to do it!

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I have been into Kibbe too. Flamboyant natural should show vertical + width so you should look tall not short? Although you will look shorter when you break up the lines so maybe that's what you mean 😊

Also I'm obsessed with that green jumpsuit and I want it badly! I don't want to have to wear a strapless bra though 😬

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I think Flamboyant natural you look your height but you have to be careful to not make yourself look shorter. Dramatics look tall and are tall. I think. I have no boobs so strapless bras aren't an issue for me at all.

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Dramatics, soft dramatics and flamboyant all have height as their dominant feature so it should be the 1st thing someone notices about you

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This is exactly my point! there's a lot of conflicting info and the system is based on heights from like 40 years ago when anyone above 5'5 was considered tall and that's not the case anymore. I can look short in photos (when I'm by myself) but I'm very obviously tall in real life. But I'm also like tall average - I'm not 6 foot tall. I'm 176 cms so I'm almost 5'8 and I've been in some Kibbe groups that debate flamboyant naturals are in same vertical league as Dramatics. Photos confused things too. I've had people meet me in real life after following me online and been shocked at how tall I am. Because I appear short in my photos.

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I used to have a list of about 20 blogs that I checked every 2-3 days. Most of them are long gone now. Some moved over to Insta and some stopped completely (I'd love to know how some of them are doing now!).

I'm one of those weirdos who thinks FB is for friends and family, not businesses or groups. Insta is where I find most of my blog replacement (if that makes sense? Thinking of yourself, WO2, Yes & Yes before she went offline) but holy heck, it's full of so much crap that you have to wade through. I hate it but can't bring myself to deactivate my account. And TikTok, I just can't even start with.

Bring back blogs!

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Oh gosh I miss Sarah! We blogged side by side for so many years! Who is WO2?

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Nov 22, 2023·edited Nov 22, 2023

Alison of Wardrobe Oxygen. She still has a blog but I mostly visit her Insta content now.

And yes, I miss Sarah too!

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Oh I've never heard of her - I just followed her she's great!

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I still follow a bunch of blogs via Feedly but none of the Aussie bloggers who used to write the personal style blogs that I lived for (& were the inspiration for me starting my own blog) write any more.

I honestly think the instant gratification of the socials, instagram mostly, is what drew most bloggers away from writing. Putting a blog post together takes a heap of time & effort. An Insta story or post takes just minutes. And you get instant feedback & engagement.

I also think many people’s concentration spans don’t lean towards reading these days, it’s about watching short grabs.

I still have my blog but haven’t posted in a few months. I’ve got a post in my drafts I’ve been working on that I’ll post once it’s done. There’s a few reason I stopped posting regularly. One, I felt like I had nothing to share (I’m a personal writer, I write about my life) and two, it felt like nobody was reading. Actually, people were reading, I could see in my stats how many, nobody was engaging. Thats a lie, I had two woman who would always take the time to comment & I appreciate them so much for it! I guess I felt a little disheartened by it all.

I think it was last year or maybe early this Kate from Foxs Lane & Practicing Simolicity wrote a few times, saying they would be blogging again but it was short lived. People’s time is tight & it feels like more people are leaning into substack because it’s easy to monetise.

I have no answers but if you decide to post on smaggle again I’ll add you to my Feedly.

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That's lovely of you! I'm in the process of figuring out how to get back to blogging but its tough, time is right and burnout is real. I blogged several times a week for over and only slowed down once I had my kids and the pandemic happened.

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I hear you on blogs. I run one (www.stuffmumslike.com if anyone cares lol) and it used to be fun and make money! At one stage it made 50% of my full time wage. Now I dont break even most months. My facebook is really active but brands now just want instagram and TikTok. 10 years into instagram and I still cant get out of the 5000s. Its so much work and it feels like shouting into the abyss!

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Oh totally I had my last sponsored blog post in 2020 and the last 3 years have been the first without sponsors in over a decade. I have Instagram sponsors and other brand partnerships but the algorithms are so unpredictable. I always saw the writing on the wall and I'm not salty about it but it's just interesting that people want longer form content, no one is doing it because it doesn't make money (it actually costs money) and brands are throwing $$$ at Instagram with worse results.

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