Carly, i just want to say say that your posts are one of the highlights of my week. Its such a joy to put 60 mins aside to digest everything you write/link to. Thank you!

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Oh my goodness this is the loveliest message ever. Thank you. I'm having a rough trot of it at the moment so that's really lifted my spirits.

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Same same same thanks for so succinctly and warmly expressing my thoughts!

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"....touching me in my data place". Gold

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I’m also on a buying ban. It’s hard but I have fo many clothes

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I love Sarah Koenig's voice as well. Serial S1 was the weekly must-listen for me (and everyone else), and I've always loved her work on This American Life since the early days. I discovered Amanda Montell via her interview on Fresh Air and her book is on my summer list!

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Carly, I love your outfit!!!!

I did a closet clear-out a while back & did the same as you, I wore everything so I could figure out what I was missing. Right now I need decent t-shirts. I don't want to spend $50 on a single t-shirt for it to last more than 2 years but maybe I have to.

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Thank you! It was a weird little throw together and I wasn't 100% sure about it. I really struggle with t-shirts, and they're all cropped these days!

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There's a part of me that's wondered if the Lucy Letby case was a miscarriage from the start. I do not know why but just a feeling through the weeks and months of endless coverage in the UK. Your New Yorker link doesn't work and I'd be interested to read if you've got the link.

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Oh gosh you're more evolved than I am - I fell for it instantly. Although I am Australian so we only got bits and pieces of coverage here. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2024/05/20/lucy-letby-was-found-guilty-of-killing-seven-babies-did-she-do-it

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Thanks! There's just something....a feeling. I don't know

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I'm reminded of that Australian woman released from jail last year, accused of killing her children, but actually all her babes had the same medical condition. 20 years she lost, to correlation mistaken for causation, and our dripping joy of women murderers. The immediacy and ease of pointing the pitchfork at a single woman, versus the complexities, multiple layers and sometimes the mundaneness of a situation.

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My kid at a similar age once ate butter chicken, that night for the first time in her life she threw up.... naturally she hasn't touched butter chicken since and is convinced it was the culprit... at 16 we still serve butter chicken but with haloumi and she downs it and announces it is the best ever! Perseverance is the game of parenting, good on you for playing the long game!

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Oh look I have sympathy for that. Once you've tasted a food in reverse it will ruin it forever. We preserved because she smashed an adult size serve once when she was tiny and we were like hell yeah! And didn't touch it again until last night. Kids. Honestly. Is it with halloumi or is the halloumi instead of chicken?

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haloumi instead of chicken which for me as the vego is easier as not two separate meals going on... for years my kids thought tofu was chicken anyway so perception is everything!

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HA! I love that. Sounds delicious. My eldest thinks all meat is chicken. Including beef.

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